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Zoning Board Minutes 2006/12/14

December 14, 2006


Robert Henry, Svend Filby, and  Roger Landry were absent.
Harry Gazelle was designated to take Robert Henry’s place on all five cases.

The meeting was called to order at 7 P.M.

MINUTES : The minutes of November 9 were reviewed. There was one error. On page one concerning voting members. There were four regular members voting and one alternate. Richard Guyer made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected.  James  Lyons seconded the motion.  All members present were in favor.

There were no communications and no Planning Board report.

PUBLIC HEARINGS:  Continued Case # 06-48. Robert and Lynne Bell. Map # 105. Lot # 18. Special Exception. Art. III. 3:50 C. Reduce side setback dimension from 50’ to 28 ½’ for construction of a new garage. 161 Keyes Rd. Sunapee. Mr. Bell presented the case. Some modifications had been made to the plans. The garage will be a two car garage. There will be one bedroom above the garage. The garage will be attached to the breezeway. The breezeway has been shortened to 16’. The height of the garage will be under 25’. The side setback has been reduced to 31’. The septic system on the lot is O.K. for the house. Mr. Bell does have available plans for 8 bedrooms  within three lots. At present, there will be four bedrooms. There was no further discussion. Richard Guyer made a motion to approve the request of Robert and Lynne Bell. Case # 06-48. Map # 105. Lot # 18. for a Special Exception. Art. III. 3:50 C. Reduce the side setback dimension from 50’ to 31’ for construction of a new garage. 161 Keyes Rd. Sunapee. Alex  Kish  seconded the motion. There were five affirmative votes.

Case # 06-56. Jean M. Fuller Revocable Trust. Map # 115. Lot # 24. Seeking a Variance from Art. III. 3:10. To reduce the side setback from 25’ to 7 ½’ and  9 ½’ to accommodate moving the house closer to the Lake. 19 North Shore Rd. Sunapee. Mr. Fuller presented the case. The east side of the house needed a variance. The requested distance is from the line. The side is on an angle and needs the two different measurements. The Public Hearing on the case was closed. Harry Gazelle made a motion to approve the request of Jean M. Fuller Revocable Trust . Case # 06-56. Map # 115 Lot # 24. for a Variance from Art. III. 3:10. to reduce the side setback to 7 ½’ and 9 ½’

ZBA MINUTES                                           Page 2.                               12 / 14 / 06.

to accommodate moving the house closer to the Lake as per plan presented . 19 North Shore Rd. Sunapee. Richard Guyer seconded the motion. There were five yes votes.

Continued  Case # 06-52. Robert Evans and Anne VanTine. Map # 118. Lot # 50. Seeking a Special Exception. from Art. III. 3:50 C. To reduce the side dimension from 25’ to 17’ for construction of a replacement dwelling at 98 Burma Rd. Sunapee. The case was presented  by the applicants. The request is for the north east corner of the house. The Caves are in favor of the project. The lot is non-conforming. The applicants explained their three cases concerning the same lot and then the Board considered them separately. Richard  Guyer made a motion to approve the request of Robert Evans and Anne Vantine. Case # 06- 52. Map # 118. Lot # 50. To reduce the side setback dimension from 25’ to 17’ for construction of a replacement dwelling 98 Burma Rd. Sunapee. James Lyons seconded the motion. There were five yes votes.

Continued Case # 06-53. Robert Evans and Anne VanTine. Map # 118. Lot #50. Seeking a Variance from Art. III. 3:10. To reduce the side setback dimensions from 25’ to 2’ for construction of a replacement dwelling. 98 Burma Rd. Sunapee. The replacment building will have an attached garage. The garage will be toward the Pond. The height of the structure will not exceed 25’. Harry Gazelle made a motion to approve the request of Robert Evans and Anne VanTine. Case # 06-53. Map # 118. Lot # 50 for a Variance from Art. III. 3:10. to reduce the side setback dimension from 25’ to 2’ for construction of a replacement dwelling as per plan presented. 98 Burma Rd. Sunapee. Richard Guyer seconded the motion. There were five yes votes.

Continued Case # 06-54. Robert Evans and Anne VanTine. Map # 118. Lot # 50. Seeking a Variance from Art. III. 3:40 C. to reduce the lakefront setback from 50’ to 18’ to allow the construction of the replacement structure. 98 Burma Rd. Sunapee. James Lyons made a motion to approve the request of Robert Evans and Anne VanTine. Case. #06-54. Map # 118. Lot # 50. for a Variance from Art. III. 3:40 C. To reduce the lakefront setback from 50’ to 18’ , which is more conforming than the existing structure,  to allow the construction of a replacement structure as per plan presented . 98 Burma Rd. Sunapee. Richard Guyer seconded the motion. There were five yes votes.

The meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,                                              Date approved:

Edythe C. Dexter, ZBA Secretary                                                             

ALTERNATES:                                                ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT


ZBA MINUTES                                           Page 3.                          12 / 14 / 06.       


SVEND FILBY                                                  PETER URBACH ,  CHAIRMAN

HARRY GAZELLE                                           JAMES LYONS, VICE CHAIRMAN

                                                                            RICHARD GUYER

                                                                            ROBERT HENRY

                                                                             ALEX KISH